Life-changing performing arts productions

"A home for the artist"

C&T Productions is a Christian-inspired THEATER HOUSE where socially relevant themes and taboos are made discussable throughout QUALITATIVE PERFORMING ARTS.

In addition, C&T Productions wants to be a HOME FOR THE ARTIST and coach him in his artistic development.

Our mision
Our mission consists of 3 branches

Our Mision


Supporting and guiding performing arts and film productions towards a professional and high-quality result


Supporting and coaching the artist in his artistic development.


Making quality andprofessional performing arts productions (theatre, dance, music, ...) with positive Christian values ​​and norms.
This to break social problems and taboos. And make discussable.

Our vision

Art is one of the greatest social influencers ever!
Positive Christian values.

Onze visie

Art: A major influencer in the development of a society

Art is one of the seven spheres of influcance for the development of a society. That is why we believe that Art is a strong tool to help people in this world in their development. And to give them hope, faith and love.

Christian values

C&T Productions originated from a Christian conviction that wants to open up to the world in which it stands. Serving the people and organizations around us with the gifts and talents that God has given is important to us. We try to radiate values ​​such as: togetherness, hope, loyalty, forgiveness, faith, boldness, authenticity, ... to the world around us.

our logo


The shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16)

A theaterhouse and home for the artist

The red curtains of the theatre.

Design by: Sterre Peumans


"An open heart, opens up a hart heart." - Arnaud Vandermeiren


"Some say I am an emperor. Some say I am a master. But for you my beloved public, your humble servant ever after".
- Pulchinella

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

- Paul: (1 Corinthians 13:13)

"The artist has been called to shine for God ane not for himself".
- Arnaud Vandermeiren

But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.

- Jezus: (Mattheüs 23:11)